Vajra Guru Mantra Mp3 Download !!BETTER!!

Vajra Guru Mantra Mp3 Download !!BETTER!!


Vajra Guru Mantra Mp3 Download

i am new to the teacher and the teachings. i love the vajra guru mantra and how it helps me. it is the most powerful mantra i have ever heard. i have been saying it since i was very young. it is very powerful, i love it. i am learning it all the time and it is always with me. i chant it when i feel weak or when i am upset, frustrated or sad. it helps me to feel better. i am a nurse, i am very analytical and the mantra helps me to relax and to focus. i chant the mantra at times when i need help from the teacher. i love the vajra guru mantra and i would love to study it more in detail. i am a novice, but i have heard many powerful mantras before and this one is as good as any. i would love to study it more.

i am very fortunate to have just recently received this mantra. i have been able to recite the mantra during my daily routines. i have been able to say it out loud. i have been able to chant it as i go about my days.

vajra guru mantra is a thousand syllable mantra, it is the same as the one you have just read, except for the way you pronounce it. you should recite this mantra (here again) from the crown of your head to your navel, then to your throat, then to your heart, then to your nipples, then to your genital area, then to your back, then to your buttocks, then to your knees, then to your feet. when you have finished your practice, you can recite it again, or try the names of buddhas, bodhisattvas, and dakinis in the five buddha families. they are:

the guru (holy teacher) alone is the source of all realization. his conduct is the source of all merit. his kindness is the source of all protection. his presence is the source of all good fortune. his wisdom is the source of all pure deeds. his words are the source of all the mantras and teachings. his mind is the source of all buddhahood. i heard this once from a guru, and it is very powerful.

i am grateful for the opportunity, being part of a project of such an important significance means i can finally experience a peace, happiness and contentment that has been missing for ages. i promise to use the mantra to the fullest and to express my gratitude both in person and through the teachings i will impart. i was part of a ceremony at my monastery and really was amazed at the impact the mantra made on me. i felt a kinship that i had never experienced before. i am truly grateful for the opportunity to be part of something so worthy and i know this is just the beginning. i am a 27 year old male and i use the mantra a few times a day. i find that my experience of meditation is improved if i chant. i think it helps me stay focused, even on those days when i feel my self falling into procrastination and too busy. namaste. i spent a moment to search google, but your answers have been far more helpful than a virtual stranger. i had some questions, not related to these techniques, but spiritual in nature, that i wanted to get some insight about. i was drawn to buddhism, quite quickly, and have done well in learning meditation from a wonderful female (i was absolutely lost at the beginning). but i feel like i could use some guidance about the inner aspects of buddhism, so i was wondering if you could help me. what would be the effects of taking a vow, in conjunction with this mantra? i had been intently meditating, and developed a profound realization of my spiritual nature and my connection with all living beings. i felt that this was the beginning of realization, and i felt inspired to write a long poem about it. the following words came to mind, and express my spiritual awareness of being a part of something bigger than me. 5ec8ef588b

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