Kuka Officelite Full Version 79 HOT!

Kuka Officelite Full Version 79 HOT!

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Kuka Officelite Full Version 79

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It seems that the KUKA KU88-BP-KA-60 is not yet activated for Windows 7. The KUKA KU88-BP-KA-60, however, is working fine with Windows 7. I have tried to download the KUKA KU88-BP-KA-60 (v4.7) software on both machines.

The MasterCad Cartesian interface makes it easy to connect and control virtual robots in Autodesk’s MasterCad software. Users can import existing KUKA robots to MasterCad using KUKA’s proprietary Cartesian control software or,OEM/ODM, move robots in virtual environments using KUKA’s SimPro software, in KUKA’s graphical programming interfaces (GPIs), or via the MPI (Message Passing Interface). The KUKA robots have been designed to incorporate KUKA’s GPIs.
Easy and Fun to Use
KUKA robots are based on KUKA’s unique SimProTM software. SimProTM 2.0
Easy to Set Up and Run
Accurate + Tuned
Experience the freedom and fun of a robotic arm that is completely programmable! KUKA robots perform extremely accurate movements with high repeatability and accuracy.

Recently I connected with a colleague who was having a problem with his KUKA robot and he sent me the picture below. We were able to connect with KUKA technical support and the issue was fixed that very day.

Some users of the existing RC5-20 and RC5-40 models may be experiencing an issue with the materials feeders (MF) going out of sync with the robot.

actually, it is the job of the oem which is responsible of purchasing the krc1 robot and equipping the robots to achieve a trouble free operation. it is the responsibility of the oem to take every necessary step to achieve this job. normally, they have already hired robot dealers having the knowledge of everything related to robotics including all the details of krc1 robots including kas code, krc2 code, krc1 features and krc2 features. the bigger oems possess extensive knowledge base and are more economical for them as they can avoid unnecessary krc1-krc2 swap, there by taking away the cost of hiring and training the robot dealer during maintenance and warranty period.
i have officelite version 5.2 for krc1 and it is not working with version 7.4 of officelite on the computer(win vista) that i use. i have tried the support offered to us by krc2 and ksk on the krc2 forum and the ksk forum. i have received no direct help but was directed to the ksk forum. please somebody has experience with this as i have been trying to resolve this for a very long time.
i have tried setting up a username and password to officelite and it fails to connect. it states that it is skipping the authentication and prompt. without setting up the credentials, i get another prompt where i can select the license file.
i’m having this problem as i’m trying to run the auto calibration of krc2 using the kdsm app for krc1 (licensed version of kuka software for krc1). it seems to be failing to connect to the server. i’ve followed all the steps on the support page on the krc2 forum, however, i haven’t had any success. there is also another thread on the krc2 forum that also states to have no success, but i’ve not had the time to confirm that. i may have been mis-informed by the person who gave me that information, so i’m keeping that in mind.







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