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Listen to the audio, read the transcript, and see the map
Narrator: This week, we’ll look at the heart of the Jewish globalist conspiracy to take over the world.
Listen to the audio, read the transcript, and see the map
Jack Blood : I never saw it on paper. And I have no reason to think that any other Jewish person ever did.
Jack Blood is no stranger to making a lot of noise about the
Jewish conspiracy to control the world. He has spent almost his
entire life trying to unmask it. He’s made a lot of enemies along
the way. One of those was the late David Duke. In January 2000, Duke
was running for Congress in Louisiana on the express ticket of the
Ku Klux Klan, appealing to as many of Duke’s former followers as he
could find. When he ran, he was already in the middle of an ongoing
lobbying and lawsuit battle with a Jewish billionaire.
Duke : I can tell you how I made my way into this position. I’m
a candidate for the U.S. Congress. I’m running against a Jewish
billionaire. He’s financed by a Jewish billionaire. The son of a
Jewish billionaire–
Blood: He’s a Jew. I’m a Christian.
Duke: I’m a Christian. He donated $300,000 to the Christian
National Political Action Committee. The Christian National
Political Action Committee endorsed me.
Blood: He gave the Jewish National Political Action Committee
Duke: Absolutely. You know why I’m running. I’m running against
the greatest threat to the free world. And he’s the agent of
ultra-ultra Jew, the national chairman of the Jewish National
Political Action Committee is working with the prince of Israel,
Adolf Hitler, to do to the United States exactly what the Nazis did.
And I’m a nobody in the campaign. I’m a nobody candidate.
Blood: Until he came out of the woodwork. A week or so
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