Cma-data-format-excel PATCHED

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We expected to save a little time using the Excel format, but were surprised that our time requirements increased by only about 5 to 10 minutes per paper. But this seems to be the case with most meta-analyses: It would be helpful to have an example of how each of the five formats worked, how long it took for each format to convert from another format to the cma-data-format-excel, and to have an outline of the Excel format.

Other CMA features are discussed in a later section. Also note that the CMA tool is primarily intended for ad-hoc analyses rather than for generating reviews. The statistical user needs to be fluent in how to conduct the analysis (using Excel) to maximize the scientific return from CMA.

As long as the goals of training and learning remain and a user needs flexibility, I believe Excel is an excellent tool. There will come a time in most of our lives when we will do a meta-analysis or a systematic review and we will need a knowledge base of data formatting. A user should not have to invest a lot of time learning a new format for data entry, especially when an existing format provides excellent functionality.

We were very pleased with the Excel-based format because it is common for individual researchers to be able to enter data into Excel worksheets to analyze, so a format that is easily accessible with little training and a simple change of interface would be quite useful for them.

The format of the data in the files is strictly the same as that of the data itself: all the data in the files is provided as Value only and there are no Reference columns. All other columns are presentation metadata, which is information about the data, such as Column Name, Length, Sort Order and Format.

CMA is a statistical tool, not a product. It is available from the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, which means that it is generally free to use. Although CRCT is directly accessible from Google, a subscription is also available that enables CRCT to send periodic reminders to have the tool updated and to provide notification when unpublished research is available. There are also some relevant specialized databases such as the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, which are restricted to systematic reviews and other collaborative review activities. Thus far, the Cochrane database offers some special features such as links to the Systematic Review function at Embase and Medline.
For the purpose of clear understanding, please note that this is not a hard and fast rule to produce a forest plot using Excel data table. Following are the necessary conditions for producing a forest plot using Excel data table:
Just enter any numbers in the data table cells and save the work. The more data you enter the more interesting and useful the results will be. The Excel data table is an excellent tool to introduce the basic statistical process, it can be used to define the research problem, to formulate the research question, to search for relevant information and to determine the best statistical approach for conducting and reporting the meta-analysis.
Earlier, I had mentioned that Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for summarizing descriptive data. However, summarizing descriptive data in Excel is very difficult task as the output often looks messy and looks less attractive than desired. Thus, it becomes hard to get the attention of the reader of the output. To the best of my knowledge this is the first description of a method for producing a statistically adequate but graphically appealing forest plot summarizing descriptive data, using widely available software.

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