Big Data workflow

1. Storage (Storage)

It is the process of collecting information. all from various sources whether it is quality information, including expected information that may be useful; Whether it is text data, document files, image files, video files, audio files that are recorded will be collected here

2. Data Processing (Processing)

data processing After the data is collected in one place, the data is categorized into groups that are closely related or closely related. yielded the most similar results. and then transformed into a data format to bring these existing data into the processed data system.

3. Data Analysis (Analyst)

data analysis and presentation After all the data has been grouped and categorized successfully. Subsequently, all correlation patterns will be analyzed. that may not be visible to the eye whether to find marketing trends customer demand potential trends in the future and other useful information and presented in various formats whether it is a picture or a graph

Big Data Technology that helps marketing effectively with data.

big data – click the up coming internet site – is a useful technology that can be applied in a variety of fields, whether it is national planning. corporate business planning educational planning medical planning and in other areas Many other aspects, although Big Data is very useful. But if there is no good support from the organization, it may not succeed.

In addition, initial investment is required. And it needs personnel with a lot of IT knowledge. An effective internet connection is also very important. both in connection Finding and Collecting Information In the future, Big Data technology will be very important in daily life. This is because all available data can be analyzed and processed entirely.

If you want to consult an expert about data collection. Track user behavior or want to find a system for an organization to help work together effectively Consult us for free There is no cost

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