Your local online classifieds: Try searching through a site like Craigslist if there is a board for where you live (or don’t mind driving to). Craigslist is full of people who are looking to buy and sell car parts online. There is even a specific board just for car parts listings. With a few simple emails, you might be able to find exactly the part you are looking for, or with someone who knows how to find it.
An oil filter. These come in all different shapes and sizes, and you’ll want to be sure to have the exact right one. At the purchase good parts store there is often a book that will allow you to look up the exact oil filter based on make, model and year of your vehicle. Often there will be more than one choice; for example, 4967 or 4967x. These will both work; the difference is that one is high performance and designed for older vehicles.
The era that you are modeling will dictate that you use models from that specific time period, line and location (example post war era – 1950’s; Toronto-Hamilton-Buffalo line; the Niagara peninsula). Some people are stricter about era than others. If you are one of the stricter hobbyists, you should do your research into the correct cars for the era and line you are modeling and buy it accordingly.
The interval varies depending on your vehicle’s make and model. A vehicle equipped with the newer platinum-tipped plugs can go as far as 100,000 miles before plugs require replacement. Replacing your own is relatively easy, as you’ll see from the instructions listed below.
auto parts store There are a few major benefits that come with hydrogen powered cars. By installing a simple easy to build device called a hho generator or hydrogen fuel cell one would get an increase in gas mileage, lower emissions, increase cars performance, receive a nice tax break, and best of all help save the environment. The first glimpse of this new technology was first introduced by Honda back in 2005. Although they did produce a hydrogen fueled car but the car was just a prototype and was never really placed out on the market.
While all of the fuel efficient cars mentioned above provide great gas mileage. There is still one major Delma for many. That Delma is the fact many can not afford to purchase any of these new vehicles. Since studies show that most cars on the road today are older then 10 years. This means with all of these cars older then ten years old you are wasting more money on fuel cost every day on gas you could be saving.