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How to pass a list of module names to Module.require(moduleNames) in Browserify
I am using Browserify to bundle my node.js app.
I would like to pass a list of module names to the Browserify bundler to prevent the need to specify them manually in every module.
For example, here I pass them to the module loader require() function (in the main file, in the root of the app) because they are specified in a few locations inside the app:
var _ = require(‘underscore’)
var config = require(‘./../config’)
How could I pass a list of module names to Module.require(moduleNames) so that I don’t have to specify them in the modules?
Try module._nodeRequire(moduleNames).
As far as why, that’s a custom thing. We do some stuff to handle circular references, and modules have global identifiers for the real modules (e.g. the underscore library is created as _) that are used by the RequireJS optimizer.
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