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Hi all,
Well my last season as a scout tek is now over. I’ve had a blast. A little too much I think but I love scouts. I did get the “confetti” leaders that they hand out at the end. I’ve met a few kids. Some I’ll never see again but like children, they’re charming. I love being a scout.
Well, bye for now,
Brent D.
Hi all,
Well my last season as a scout tek is now over. I’ve had a blast. A little too much I think but I love scouts. I did get the “confetti” leaders that they hand out at the end. I’ve met a few kids. Some I’ll never see again but like children, they’re charming. I love being a scout.
Well, bye for now,
Brent D.
I’m not a member of this site but am here to help and learn, I will be visiting this site often. I don’t know anyone in the exact same situation I’m in. I really need to comment on one video on the side but am too excited to download the auprix and see if they know what they are doing. I will look forward to learning from all of you. I’ll look forward to visiting. Anyway, I will be glad to learn from you all and if we have anything in common we will be able to build a strong friendship. Good luck to us all.
I’m not a member of this site but am here to help and learn, I will be visiting this site often. I don’t know anyone in the exact same situation I’m in. I really need to comment on one video on the side but am too excited to download the auprix and see if they know what they are doing. I will look forward to learning from all of you. I’ll look forward to visiting. Anyway, I will be glad to learn from you all and if we have anything in common we will be able to build a strong friendship. Good luck to us all.
Hi all,
Well my last season as a scout tek is now over. I’ve had a blast
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