Internet cafés or cyber-cafés monetize the use of multiple computers and for the business to run smoothly special software is required for managing the stations and the time a customer spends on them.
TrueCafé has been designed specifically for this type of purpose and it brings to the table an entire arsenal of components and features that can help with keeping a tight rein on the machines it monitors.
It can work with both desktop computers as well as with mobile devices, such as laptops, tablets or smartphones and even game consoles.
The main application window is intuitive and provides easy control over various tasks, from setting up the rates, creating user groups or handling the sales.
Features at a glance
The program includes support for billing wireless browsing with the possibility to customize the login and info pages.
Communication with any terminal can be achieved through built-in tools that permit sending and receiving text messages.
In order to reduce costs, TrueCafé includes power management options. These allow remote management of the computers by turning them off automatically after entering into idle mode as well as powering them up again when needed.
Moreover, all the terminals can receive the power down command from the console with a single mouse click.
Logs and reports are also on the list of features. TrueCafé can compute the traffic per customer session and keep track of the web pages opened on a specific terminal.
Accessing the business data can be done from any Internet-connected device. This permits checking on the business activity outside the café. Keep in mind that this task may require specific software that may not be installed on the computer.
TrueCafé makes for an easy to handle manager of the entire activity in the cyber-café. The setup wizard helps install and configure it properly. On the other hand, it may lack of the security features such as business would require.
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The customer can choose from 10 preset themes: Classic, Standard, Business, Corporate, Creative, Laptop, Business Corporate, Business Creative, Internet Café, and Internet Café (additional). TrueCafe Serial Key is one of the few existing cyber-cafés billing software which can track over 50 different payment gateways. The entire solution is delivered as one download.
Mountain Lion looks great, but it’s also much slower than Snow Leopard was. This is because Apple significantly redesigned the whole OS to make everything faster. Read More…
Simpler things are not what are they?
Apple has used a rich graphical user interface to provide a user-friendly interface. Things like a taskbar and notification are now exposed by default. There is also a convenient and simple way to switch between desktops.
There is an easy to use multi-pane file management system. For example, there are three folders, Desktop, Documents, and Downloads, which represent the location of all your files on your computer. These are easy to navigate and see.
Simpler things are not what are they?
Apple has used a rich graphical user interface to provide a user-friendly interface. Things like a taskbar and notification are now exposed by default. There is also a convenient and simple way to switch between desktops.
There is an easy to use multi-pane file management system. For example, there are three folders, Desktop, Documents, and Downloads, which represent the location of all your files on your computer. These are easy to navigate and see. Read Less
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2. Open the App Store
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5. Follow the instructions
6. Open the game
7. If updates are available, they’re automatically downloaded and installed
Why we like it
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Now you can change the icons used to represent the points earned in the app. You can see
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KEYMACRO is a software that can intercept and capture MAC (Ethernet) packets. Users can capture messages from a network card and display them on their computer screen. Messages contain the content of the packets, source and destination IP addresses, MAC addresses, port numbers and protocol used to communicate with the remote computer.
When you are monitoring the network you can easily detect if there is a file transfer, or if your computer is involved in a cyber-attack.
KEYMACRO is intended for network monitoring. During an initial setup we have to identify the network card that we want to monitor. Then, we configure the capturing options. It will work with all the network cards available.
TYPELog is an application that lets you view and manage log files.
It was created by a hacker and it is meant to simplify the process of viewing the logs and searching for the strings.
From that point it is a great solution if you need to see the log files from different applications.
Key features:
Search capabilities:
The search is done by fuzzy logic and the strings are highlighted.
Keep the result window as small as possible.
If the log file has more than a single line the results are displayed in the right pane in a format that is easy to read.
Batch file capabilities:
You can select multiple files and copy them to the clipboard.
Search log files within the directory tree.
The files you search for may or may not be in the open window.
All the information is saved into the selection.
You can easily cancel the operation.
Windows applications can be monitored.
When you open the log files you may see a window that prompts you to reload the selection.
When you close the log files window you may be asked to reload the log files.
In some situations you may find that the search is not working as you expect. This can happen if there are spaces in the text, if the log is protected or if the file is corrupted.
In any case, the string is still found.
You can also select multiple strings and copy them to the clipboard.
The selected strings are highlighted.
You can drag the highlighted strings to change their position in the file.
Directory tree:
The tree view is represented by folders.
When you open a folder you may see its contents in a format that is easy to read.
You can also open a file directly from the tree.
You can change the folder view.
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Welcome to TaskZilla! This is an easy-to-use task manager with lots of features!
TaskZilla can automate repetitive tasks in a productive way.
TaskZilla records all performed actions and generates a report of them, describing tasks in details. You can create complex scripts which use several tools at the same time and you can preview them before their execution.
You can schedule tasks by using the calendar view, group them into batches and add them into folders or mark them as recurring tasks.
Task management – can manage your tasks in a flexible way.
Batch execution – execute multiple tasks at once.
Recurrence – set tasks to be repeated automatically on a certain day and time.
Calendar view – manage your scheduled tasks in a calendar view.
Conditions – build complex conditional tasks.
Scripts – build custom scripts with all the power of programming.
Files – store tasks in files, you can reuse them later.
Folders – store tasks into folders which you can reuse.
Folder views – manage your folders in a flexible way.
Favorites – keep your favorite tasks at hand.
Features to come:
Alerts – Notify you about failed tasks.
Possibilities – new and more possibilities for you to use!
User stories:
User journey:
Why this is important:
Users should be able to see which tasks are currently being run.
TaskZilla is an easy to use task manager, which allows you to automate repetitive tasks, and create complex scripts in an easier way. You can keep track of your task and when they are scheduled to be executed. You can also check out the report view and log details for each performed task.
There are 3 ways to manage tasks:
Create new ones
Create scripts for already existing tasks
Create conditions
You can also store your tasks in files and folders. You can easily add your favorites and mark tasks as recurring.
As a programmer, you can build your own scripts with all the power of coding. You can manage your scripts and tasks using the calendar view and you can also check out the file view to see all your scripts and tasks.
Following our previous programs, we continue the development of the project MultiCafe. In this one we are bringing a powerful tool for managing multiple computers or stations, through which we allow the users of the café
What’s New in the TrueCafe?
Café is a Linux-based service that enables the management of clients, terminals and payment methods from a web-based interface. It includes customer and server log files, reporting options, power management, cross-platform and multi-platform support and much more. Your café can now be run with elegance and smoothness without the need for administrators or hosting services.
TrueCafé is intended to simplify the process of opening a cyber cafe, as it provides the necessary tools and support to operate your café efficiently and with minimal administration.
If you want to have your own cyber café you need a good management system. TrueCafé is a web-based server with two main components: a Server Console and a Web Interface. The Server Console presents the café to the public in an easy to use interface and a Web Interface is available to manage each café in detail.
The Server Console presents the café to the public in an easy to use interface. It offers a number of tools that make it simple to open and run your café. You can add, delete, lock and unlock terminals, as well as offer different terms of service. The Server Console has the possibility to list the terminals, their configuration and users associated with them, as well as their rates and availability. The Server Console has the possibility to support 24/7 payments and provides tools to manage these payments.
The Web Interface presents the café to the public and allows the management of each café in detail. Here, you have the option to view the café in detail and to edit its configuration, as well as change the terms of service. You can also make changes on the rates, terminal configuration, or whether a customer is allowed to pay from the moment he signs up to the moment he checks out.
The User Interface provides a friendly user interface to the administrator with the possibility to control the café from a web-browser, and to check the café’s activity.
The first step of the installation is the Server Console installation. The Server Console can be run from the TrueCafé application or from a desktop application. If you want to use the Server Console from a desktop application, then the desktop application must be installed first.
TrueCafe Features:
TrueCafé is a server based solution with two main components: a Server Console and a Web Interface. The Server Console presents the café to the public in an easy to use interface and a Web Interface is available to manage each café in detail.
Both components can be installed on a single computer, but in this case, the server can be started and accessed from a web browser.
The Server Console presents the café to the public in an easy to use interface. It offers a number of tools that make it simple to open and run your café. You can add, delete, lock and unlock terminals, as well!!HOT!!!NEW!!
System Requirements For TrueCafe:
· Minimum system requirements:
· Processor: 1.6 GHz (or higher)
· Memory: 1GB (or higher)
· Video: 256MB
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