HandySync For Pocket PC Crack Full Product Key Download [Updated] 💿

HandySync for Pocket PC is a handy and reliable utility designed to enable you to synchronize Calendarscope data between your computer and your Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC device.
It supports Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
Calendarscope information is accessible through native applications on Pocket PC.







HandySync For Pocket PC Crack Product Key Download

– You can keep your Pocket PC device in sync with your computer using HandySync for Pocket PC Crack For Windows.
– The tool is designed to allow you to copy Calendar information from a mobile device to your computer.
– Calendarscope data is synced using Windows synchronization services.
– HandySync for Pocket PC requires only minimal configuration to perform data synchronization.
– HandySync for Pocket PC supports synchronization with Microsoft Outlook.

HandySync for Pocket PC Features:
– Supports synchronization with Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC devices running Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.5, 6.1, 6.0 and 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition.
– HandySync for Pocket PC supports simultaneous synchronization with one or more Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC devices.
– The tool allows you to transfer selected items, including calendar events, appointments, task list items and e-mail messages.
– HandySync for Pocket PC can store information about one or more Pocket PC devices.
– HandySync for Pocket PC provides a handy Calendar editor that is easy to use and includes some useful functions, such as creating new calendars, setting the color for the calendar and/or assigning custom names to calendars.
– HandySync for Pocket PC supports Outlook 2003.
– HandySync for Pocket PC also includes a Search tool for searching Calendarscope data.
– HandySync for Pocket PC supports Windows synchronization using MS Sync framework.
– The synchronization status of the Pocket PC device is shown on the program main window.

– Pocket PC device running Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.5, 6.1, 6.0 or 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition
– A Pocket PC device running Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.5, 6.1, 6.0 or 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

Download HandySync for Pocket PC DemoVersion: 1.0
Platform: Pocket PC 2000, Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2003, Pocket PC 2005

A-Round Visions HandySync is a easy to use and handy utility designed to manage contacts, groups, calendar items and e-mail messages from a Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC device. The tool is designed to allow you to synchronize handysync Visions (formerly Orpheus) information between your computer and your Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC device. It supports Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 6.1 and Windows

HandySync For Pocket PC Keygen [Latest-2022]

* HandySync supports synchronization between Pocket PC and Windows PC.
* You can automatically synchronize one or more calendars.
* It is able to track changes of your calendar data and restore your data back to a state that it was at a certain time.
* In addition, it can be used to export your calendar and its backup files to text/xml format for further synchronization.
* Data is fully supported in formats such as Xml, CSV, CHM, Html, XLS.
* Supports multiple languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Italian and French.
HandySync Features:
* HandySync for Pocket PC supports up to 50 calendars.
* HandySync for Pocket PC supports several synchronization patterns, including hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
* The synchronization feature includes the following:
– Synchronization of contacts between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of tasks between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of appointments between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of options such as Start, End, Active, and Inactive between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of shortcuts between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of calendar and to do lists between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of diary entries between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of lists between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of folders between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of notes between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of actions between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of memos between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of keywords between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of Task1, Task2, Task3, Task4, Task5, Task6, Task7, Task8, and Task9 between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of checklists between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of time periods between your PC and Pocket PC device.
– Synchronization of Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward, Home, Back, Forward,

HandySync For Pocket PC Keygen Full Version [March-2022]

HandySync for Pocket PC allows you to create a backup copy of your calendars and contacts (in any format). The program may be used to synchronize the Pocket PC data with any computer with a network connection.
In addition to synchronizing the calendar and contacts, the data is mirrored and will stay synchronized even if you’re offline.
The program can be used to back up the database and restore it in case of data loss. It supports network backup using external USB device, FTP, HTTP, and Wi-Fi.
The program can also send changes to the data in the database by e-mail, MSN, IMAP, POP3 or RSS.
HANDYSYNC can be configured to automatically synchronize the phonebook entries of both the PDA and the computer or only the PDA.

Source code is released under GPL.

See also
Comparison of calendaring software
Comparison of e-mail clients
Handy (software)

External links

Category:E-mail clients
Category:Windows-only software
Category:Pocket PC software
Category:1999 softwareQ:

How to retrieve selected options from my own list using javascript?

I’ve made a web page using javascript and html. In this page I’ve used a list of years and I’ve created some other elements using javascript. This is a sample code of a list I’ve made:


read year

The thing is that I would like to retrieve the year from the list if the user selects it and enter it on the input text. But when I click on the read year button it returns me the number of the first option. So, the problem is that my javascript doesn’t know where the selected option is.
The readyear() function is this:
function readyear(){
var year = document.getElementById(“year”);

What’s New in the?

HandySync for Pocket PC is a handy and reliable utility designed to enable you to synchronize Calendarscope data between your computer and your Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC device.
It supports Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
Calendarscope information is accessible through native applications on Pocket PC.

The program supports synchronization via local area network using Bluetooth (tethering).

Calendarscope data transfer supports:
– File/Folder exchange.
– Sync all (Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Notes)
– Notes synchronization
– All the Calendars are synchronized.

– Tested on Windows 7 x64 and Windows XP x64 with Bluetooth tethering;
– Supports mobile devices with Bluetooth capabilities;
– Supports all Calendars of mobile device: Calendar, Tasks, Contacts and Notes;
– Supports synchronization of all Calendars;
– Supports synchronization of all Notes;
– Supports synchronization of all Notes of the same mobile device;
– Supports synchronization of all Notes;
– Supports synchronization of all Notes and Calendars;
– Supports synchronization of all Notes and Calendars of the same mobile device;
– Supports synchronization of all Calendars of the same mobile device.

Download Drivers

Application compatibility

Windows Mobile 6.5

Windows Mobile 6.1

Windows Mobile 6.0

Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC

Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

Supported devices

Requires Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8

Supported Windows operating systems

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8

Supported mobile devices

Microsoft Pocket PC devices

Note: Microsoft Pocket PC devices are defined as those with operating systems of Windows Mobile (6.x), Windows Mobile 5 (5.x) or Windows Mobile 5.0 (4.x). For more information on operating systems please see the “Versions” page of this product.

Supported mobile devices are:

– Pocket PC devices with Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC or Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

– Pocket PC devices with Bluetooth capabilities

Supported mobile devices with Bluetooth capabilities

– Pocket PC devices with Bluetooth capabilities

Supported mobile devices are:

– Pocket PC devices with Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC or Windows Mobile 5.0 for Pocket PC Phone Edition

– Pocket PC devices with Bluetooth capabilities

Supported mobile devices with Bluetooth capabilities


System Requirements For HandySync For Pocket PC:

– Processor: i3-3215M 2.3GHz/4.0Ghz Dual Core/ Core i5-3470 3.1GHz Quad Core/ 4.0Ghz
– RAM: 8GB
– Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460, Intel HD 4000
– Disk Space: 3GB (required)
– Free HDD space: 900MB (recommended)
Windows 10 64-bit
Install the DXRenderer (DXR) and D3DRender (D3




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