Otoko Tachi No Yamato 720p Movies
Otoko Tachi No Yamato 720p Movies
the japanese television film yamato (2001) is set in the same year, and also involves a super-battleship. it was produced by the same team as the film: nagashima, kadokawa haruki, and studio gaina, and starred nakadai tatsuya, yamazaki yoko, sorimachi takashi, matsuyama kenichi, and watari tetsuya. the tv film does away with the post-nuclear setting of the film, and the plot is about the japanese navy developing a super-battleship in the pre-wwii era. while the battleship is not built, the very notion of a super-battleship is itself an anachronism, since japan never fielded anything like the yamato, and the fact that the crew members are all in uniform is almost as bad. what we see is a single day on the set of a movie about a super-battleship; there is no question of the ship or the mission, since the film is about them.
the first trailer for yamato contains an english-language version of “welcome to yamato.”8 the english lyrics are by hayashibara takaaki, who co-wrote happy birthday (kitto kimochi, 1975) with kagawa eiji, and whose best-known songwriting success was “ami oide” (love song).
the film yamato was originally released in japan on august 7, 2004, with a dvd release following on october 20, 2004. a vcd release was released on march 18, 2006. the film was very successful in japan, grossing over $22 million, and was nominated for the 2005 mainichi film awards, but has not been released in the united states.
a feature-length version of the film was released in japan on october 6, 2006. it was intended to be shown at the 2006 toronto international film festival, and was titled yamato: the living legend. though perhaps not the obvious choice, this title was used by the weinstein company, who were showing the film at tiff that year, and who released the film in the u.s. on february 21, 2007. a dvd of the film was released in japan on august 14, 2007. this version was cut by about 40 minutes, most of which is spent on kamio and takanosui’s discussion of the ship, and the part of the film in which kamio meets and falls in love with takanosui. the narrative is changed so that takanosui is not a chief petty officer like the other men, but is a radio operator instead, and they actually meet on the bridge rather than in the torpedo room.
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the framing structure only reinforces these possible, contradictory readings. kamios narration of what happened after yamatos loss, especially the deaths of his girlfriend taekos and uchidas lover fumiko in the atomic attack on hiroshima, prompts him to declare that even the hope of dying to save their families came to naught. kamio in particular is presented as a victim of trauma after the war, unproductive (without wife or children) and reclusive (he did not even know uchida had survived the yamato sinking), whose problematic relation to memory is exemplified both by his refusal to take part in yamato memorials, and a physical debilitation (a heart ailment) that worsens as the site of his traumatic experience nears. coupled with uchida, who was presumably rendered sterile by the war (his children are all adopted), kamio represents the loss of the masculine bravura that moriwaki and uchida exemplified during the war. he is not shown mourning the loss of his ship, nor even his shipmates, but simply reflects on his failures as a father, husband, and man.
the first of three movies starring one of japan’s biggest stars, yamato is a stunning melodrama that is cinematic in its scope, but is also historically accurate, dealing with the siege of leningrad. the story deals with the japanese imperial army’s first campaign in the soviet union and the japanese soldiers’ experience, more specifically the “human condition” of surviving the winter of 1941.