700 Common Words Shorthand Book Pdf

700 Common Words Shorthand Book Pdf


700 Common Words Shorthand Book Pdf

The convention of placement is essential to the notation of a language. Although English is a semi-synthetic language, meaning that its composition reflects a process where structure is derived from words in the language, it is unlikely that English is composed entirely of words, as stated earlier. Note that English has approximately 700 common words, and that an extremely large proportion of the words used in the language are also used in its composition; therefore, the number of words in an English language speaker dictionary is also 700. For instance, the dictionary CONCEPT contains between 200,000 to 350,000 words; hence, an individual dictionary stores an extremely small proportion of the language. Therefore, the optimization of the placement of words in the language leads to the optimization of the placement of words in the dictionary. By becoming familiar with abbreviations, people can do away with words and yet convey a great deal of information.

Each of the letters that comprise a word in the dictionary are represented as a position and a time; in other words, a word is represented as a 3-tuple of positions in a 3-dimensional coordinate system, with the x-axis representing the position of the first letter, the y-axis representing the position of the second letter, and the z-axis representing the position of the third letter. The dictionary collects all of the words in an English language dictionary. The shortest word in the dictionary is only 3 letters long. The dictionary defines a word, however, as a sequence of letters that is grouped so as to represent a complete concept. Using a formal language grammar and by working through all the possible permutations of a word, the dictionary computes the frequency of a given word in the English language.

Which of the shorthand systems has proven the most popular? Along with the Romans and medieval Tironian et users, many Americans continue to prefer Gregg shorthand (though the variety of its frequently confused with a different, equally common shorthand, Quijotes Quijote ). The most modern forms of English shorthand use combinations of letters, punctuation, and special symbols to denote common words. To the typists of the world, they appear indistinguishable from the handwritten characters we see on our linoleum or parchment tablets. While you might be tempted to consider yourself an expert because you figured out the shorthand of your choice at an early age, the truth is that few college courses actually introduce shorthand methods to students. At this point in history, youre likely to encounter the one-symbol-for-one-word shorthand systems at a job or school, and the names of their inventors often will not be the ones on your textbooks. In case you did not learn the alphabet of your choice, you can use a dictionary to help translate. The Librarys alphabet list, however, contains more than 130 entries for the 643 letters of shorthand alphabet. Its no small list, but no more than an alphabet any alphabet can be subdivided by punctuation, digits, andor abbreviations and symbols.
What does the future hold for shorthand? Its use is likely to continue to decline. As the number of people capable of typing increases, it will be harder for people to keep up with the use of this archival shorthand. Then a whole generation of historians and researchers will be faced with deciphering a muddled morass of letters and symbols, and what we have today will be obsolete. However, if the Librarys collection of shorthand manuscripts and handwritten books is any indicator, an important legacy of using shorthand will remain intact. If you ever had to decipher why a person wrote out abbreviations in shorthand, you know how useful a shorthand textbook is when you get stuck. It would be useful to have a dictionary of the English shorthand alphabet, yes, but it would be nearly as handy to have a notebook of ideas for all those symbols.





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